
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Use these two Gmail Tricks to Track Ads and Stop Spam

Why do I use gmail?
Simply, gmail has some really cool tricks to track ads and detect spam.
First, lets look at Doug's Gmail address
Did you know that you can put dots anywhere in the left hand part of your gmail address and the mail will arrive just the same?
These examples will all end up in your inbox:
… and so on. You can literally put a dot between each character.
This gmail trick allows you to use a different version of the same email address for family, friends, work and so on. You can manually sort through your inbox or you can create filters to automatically sort your inbox. 
It does not end there. If you place a + sign plus extra characters after the first part of your email address (everything in front of the @ sign),then you’ll still get your gmail email in your inbox. Here are a few samples using Doug's gmail: (Used for placing ads on craigslist). (used for communicating with family). (used for tracking ads)
All of the above emails will arrive in Doug's gmail inbox.
This trick is great for tracking ads and to see which sites or ads are not nice to your email. Lets say that Doug is a fantasy sports fanatic and wants to sign up for a the CBS Sports Fantasy Games Newsletter on CBS Sports.
Doug will complete is online registration with the email address:
Doug will get the newsletters just fine from CBS. If Doug starts to getting spam addressed to he’ll know exactly which site released his email details. He can setup a filter to send the spam to the spam folder or he can he can block any future email sent to that version of his address. 
I hope you find these two gmail tricks just as useful as myself. Now that I have shared a couple gmail tricks with you, who do you know that is looking to increase their business in Johnson County?
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